Скауты + скаутинг = GomelScouts.com - теория и практика современного скаутского движения
Рекомендуем к прочтению: Scouting for Boys, Руководство по скаутингу, Книга о скаутах - три самых лучших книги!


Be careful to get permission from the owners of land before you go on to it. You have no right to go anywhere off the roads without leave, but most owners will give you this if you go and tell them who you are and what you want to do.

When going over their land remember above all things:

  • leave all gates as you found them
  • disturb animals and game as little as you possibly can
  • do no damage to fences, crops, or trees

Any firewood that you require you must ask for before taking it. And be careful not to take out of hedges dead wood which is being used to fill up a gap.


Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell (Chief Scout, London, UK)

Date of Creation


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