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Other PlantsYou ought to know what pla nts are useful to you in providing you with food. Supposing you were out in a jungle without any food and knew nothing about plants-you might die of starvation or of poisoning, from not knowing which fruits or roots were wholesome and which were dangerous to eat. Edible PlantsThere are numbers of berries, nuts, roots, barks, and leaves that make good eating. Find out which of these are found near your camp site, and try to make a camp meal of them. Crops of different kinds of corn and seed, vegetable roots, and many grasses are also edible. Certain kinds of moss are used for food. Some types of seaweed can also be eaten. You will want to be able to recognize the common flowers of the field and wood. Some of these are related to our garden flowers, and have some of the same beauty. Others are herbs which are useful for flavouring in cooking and for medicine. AuthorLord Baden-Powell of Gilwell (Chief Scout, London, UK) Date of Creation1908 Learn A Continuation:to the next page: Patrol Practices In Plant Observation Back in The Past:to the previous page: Plants
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