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Рекомендуем к прочтению: Scouting for Boys, Руководство по скаутингу, Книга о скаутах - три самых лучших книги!
IntroductionScouting for boys is a book for all time, and in his own lifetime our Founder saw it in use in almost every country in the world. Details of programmes and activities must always change with circumstances and conditions, but in its spirit and essentials his book is timeless and universal, and it is for us who come after him to act as its guardians and to see that the whole essence of Scouting is preserved therein, whatever may be the adaptations or allowances to meet varying conditions or needs. You will find that many of the suggestions for games and practices are still capable of use even to-day, fifty-six years after they were originally written. But perhaps more important is the imaginative presentation of a particular subject which lies behind the suggested activity. We must always remember that the secret of the success which the Movement has achieved is the way in which ideas are presented and not merely the detail of the activities. Every word that our Founder wrote had truth behind it, and truth is not limited to any single generation or nation. Scouting for Boys is the Handbook showing us how to use, care for, preserve, and hand down, the tool which his genius devised and which he bequeathed to us. If we learn to use this tool in its purity, its simplicity, and its spirit, we shall find that it meets the needs of every place and of each succeeding generation of boys. AuthorLord Baden-Powell of Gilwell (Chief Scout, London, UK) Date of Creation1908 Learn A Continuation:to the next page: Foreword Back in The Past:to the previous page: Finally
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